الصعوبات الحسابية أساليب التشخيص واستراتيجيات العلاج

  • د.مسعودة مفتاح أحمد الحسيني قسم التربية وعلم النفس- كلية التربية- جامعة طرابلس



Extract The aim of the research is to uncover methods of diagnosis and strategies for treating computational difficulties, as well as to identify the role of the resource room teacher in the advancement of students of arithmetic learning difficulties and to reduce their severity.

The descriptive analytical method was used, and it reached conclusions that were:

  1. Knowing basic information in mathematics is the cornerstone for acquiring higher mathematical knowledge and forming a solid cognitive structure that can be used to solve problems, and that the defect in its acquisition negatively affects the cognitive and psychological growth of the student and brings him into the category of people with educational difficulties.
  2. Neglecting and ignoring the arithmetic difficulty in the lower levels of education extends its negative impact to the higher levels and leads to unhealthy accumulations that hinder his daily and professional life, harm his self-view and have a low self-concept.
  3. The increase in the prevalence of people with arithmetic learning difficulties leads to an increase in the percentage of lost human cadres, which results in the backwardness of society, the disruption of its progress and the low quality of its educational outcomes.
  4. The association of arithmetic difficulty with other academic difficulties such as reading, writing and spelling leads to the complexity of the diagnosis and evaluation process, and consequently, difficulty in designing and ramifications of treatment programs.

.5. The multiplicity of features and manifestations of students with arithmetic learning difficulties makes the evaluation and diagnosis process an accurate and complex process that requires an integrated specialized team that is responsible for determining the type and degree of severity of the difficulty.

  1. Diagnosis is a step in the light of which determine the individual treatment strategies and programs that must be followed for each case.
  2. The presence of the source teacher in educational institutions is an advanced civilized step towards the advancement of students with arithmetic difficulties.

Author Biography

د.مسعودة مفتاح أحمد الحسيني, قسم التربية وعلم النفس- كلية التربية- جامعة طرابلس

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