آليات الرقابة على المعاهدات الدولية في إطار علاقة النظام الداخلي الليبي بالنظام الدولي

  • أ.حمزة سالم سلطان قسم القانون الدولي - كلية القانون - جامعة طرابلس



Overseeing the constitutionality of treaties is one of the important issues.it aims to ensure the supremacy of the constitution and its respect internally, while at the same time respecting international obligations .Therefore the internal legislator has an obligation to reconcile these internal and international obligations by monitoring the constitutionality of treaties to ensure their implementation internally. And the Libyan legislator in this regard resorts to previous control over the conclusion of treaties by following various methods, such as abstaining from ratification and reservation. As for the subsequent judicial censorship, the court has so far been arguing that international treaties are acts of sovereignty and thus out of the scope of its jurisdiction. I have dealt with many other problems in this paper through extrapolation of the related texts of constitution, laws and judicial rulings.                                           

Author Biography

أ.حمزة سالم سلطان, قسم القانون الدولي - كلية القانون - جامعة طرابلس

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