Case report

Tolosa-Hunt syndrome in Libyan female patient

  • Saddik Omar Aboud Department of neurology, Tripoli University Hospital;
  • Samia Tayeb Hawisa Department of Histology and Genetics, College of Medicine, University of Tripoli
Keywords: Key words: Ophthalmoplagia, Orbital pain, ptosis, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome الكلمات المفتاحية: شلل العين المؤلم، تدلي الجفون. متلازمة تولوزا هانت.



Background: Tolosa Hunt syndrome is an extremely rare disorder typically presents with painful unilateral ophthalmoplegia, caused by non-specific inflammation affecting the cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure leading to third, fourth, with or without sixth cranial nerve palsy. Case: this report describes a case of 27-years old female with Tolosa Hunt syndrome who was firstly as seronegative myasthenia gravis. She developed right supra-orbital pain and diplopia; on examination, she had right-sided complete ophthalmoplagia with ptosis. Conclusion: clinical findings were consistent with diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome (THS). The patient responded dramatically to steroids with alleviation of the orbital pain within 24 hours followed by significant improvement in the ocular movements in few days.


تنادر  تولوسا  هانت هو مرض نادر يسبب شلل في عضلات العين والم عند محاوله تحريكها وارتخاء في جفن العين. سبب المرض التهاب في الجيب الدموي الدي يمر خلاله العصب الثالث والرابع والسادس والفرع الاول والتاني من العصب الخامس. الالخاصية الأساسية لهدا المرض هو اختفاء الاعراض خلال أيام من اخد عقار  الكرتيزون.